One Pot Hamburger Fried Rice
Quick hamburger fried rice in under 30 minutes!
  • ½-1 lb. cooked hamburger meat
  • 2 c white rice (I used what I had in food storage)
  • 1 c frozen mixed vegetables
  • 2 T butter
  • ½ tsp salt (you can add more or less here)
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • 4¼ c water (I added a little bit of extra water for the vegetables. I gave a nice consistency for me. It depends upon what kind of rice you are using.)
  1. Add all ingredients to a medium sized sauce pan (make sure it has a lid).
  2. Cover the pot.
  3. Turn burner on high and bring to a boil. Watch closely because if you walk away, you are likely to have it boil over (yes I speak from experience).
  4. As soon as the mixture comes to a boil, turn to low and simmer until the rice is completely cooked. Mine took about 10 minutes, but it really depends upon what kind of white rice you are using.
  5. Stir mixture together and serve warm.
  6. Quick meal, happy family!
Recipe by Home Baked Joy at